Thanks for stopping by! 5 years ago my husband, Fabian and I got married. We had our first son, Benaiah 2 years after our wedding. We quickly realized our financial future was bleak and we were headed for a car reposession. Thankfully we got on the same financial page, drank the Dave Ramsey juice and have never looked back. 35k down and 35k more to go! This blog is about our journey as a family. It's about our mess ups and celebrations. It's about life lessons. I wanted to start writing to record memories and hopefully encourage others. Most importantly, I write because I have a passion to see people be successful with their hard earned money and steward it well for God's glory.
Hi Leah. My name is Pat Matthews, it was Pat Nycum when I knew you at OSO Creek. It is wonderful to see how you have grown in the Lord! May HE continue to guide and direct your path!