Monday, June 9, 2014

Why become Debt-Free?

I have posted a few status updates about paying off credit cards and purchasing a vehicle with cash.  I've had friends and even strangers ask why and how.

Well... this blog post will explain the reasoning of why we decided to change.

I wanted to share why Fabian, my husband, and I decided to start our financial journey and become debt-free.

Like most people, we were living paycheck to paycheck.  I remember Benaiah was 5 months old and I needed to go to the grocery store to buy some baby food. I went to Kroger and got a few jars of baby food and marmalade (I needed it for a meal).   When I went to check out, my card declined. #embarrassing I went to look at my bank account.  We had $7.00.  We didn't get paid for another 2 days. We had no savings either and maxed out credit cards.  I ended up being so flustered and embarrassed that I didn't purchase anything and left.  I never have stepped foot in that Kroger again.  By the way, Benaiah didn't starve.  I ended up having enough jars at home to feed him until payday.

Until payday...

Those two words bother me.  We shouldn't be living like this.  I should have enough money to buy baby food!

We needed change.

In October of 2013, I grabbed The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey off of my book shelf and dusted it off.  I dove in deep.

I was desperate and hungry for change.  About the same time, Fabian had a good friend mention the book to him. He began to listen to the audio book to and from work.  He needed no convincing and was on board.

Now 8 months later, Fabian and I have paid off nearly $10,000 of debt, mainly credit cards.  We are now paying off our car and should have it paid off by December.

For the first time in our marriage, we have $1,000 in the bank for emergencies ONLY.  Think about that. If your car broke down, how would you pay for it?  If your son needed to go to the emergency room, how would you pay for it?  If your AC goes out, how would you pay for it?

Scary thoughts, right?

Even though we are putting every extra dime toward our debt, there is finally a sense of peace.  As a couple, we have never felt that peace in our finances until now.

We didn't have a savings account for two years of our marriage, but we accumulated $600 worth of payments per month.  I can just imagine now what I could do with $600 a month.  #shopping Ha! How many payments do you make per month? What's the total sum of those payments?  What could you do with that money?

Fabian and I were walking on a tight rope my friend.  We decided that living life paycheck to paycheck wasn't for us anymore.  We got on a TIGHT and I mean TIGHT budget and haven't looked back since.  Sure we made mistakes and bought some "needs", but we're learning on this journey.

We will become debt-free.
We will not be slaves to the lender.
We will leave a better life for our son.
We will continue to have financial peace.
We will be free.

Life will throw curve balls, but at least we have a plan for them!

I sincerely hope this encourages you. I will be posting some helpful tips in more blogs!

My next blog will be how we saved $1,000 and paid off almost $10,000! #lifechangehappeningpeople!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to everyone for reading! I'm looking forward to sharing more of this journey with y'all.
