Thursday, May 19, 2016

A List of My Favorite Things Right Now

This blog is a little bit more relaxed. Sometimes our social media feed can be filled with negative things that go on in our world, let's fill it with some positivity.

I want to share my favorite things with you and hopefully you'll find some new favorite things too! If you're anything like me, you love finding new stuff to love and seeing what others enjoy too. It's what makes us so unique and the people God has created us to be. The list is in no particular order.

1. Podcasts
It's no secret that I LOVE podcasts. My new found favorite is Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker.

I also listen to Chris Brown's True Stewardship (about God's ways of handling money) and Life.Church: Craig Groeschel.

Lastly, but certainly NOT least, I listen to The Leadership Momentum Podcast. Every church leader, and I really do mean EVERY CHURCH LEADER, pastor, and ministry worker should be listening to this podcast. Amazing content and I've gone back and listened to most of them again

2. The Office 
I love this T.V. show.  I longingly watch it to see Pam and Jim get together and then continue watching it to see their chemistry. Also, it's hilarious.

3. Long Walks With the Family
When Fabian is home during the day, I can't wait for us to go on a long walk together with the boys. When he's not home, Natalie will join me. Or sometimes I love going by myself pushing the boys in the stroller. When things start to get out of control at home, I throw them in the stroller, brings snacks and water, and we go.  We're relaxed and refreshed when we come back.

4. Trim Healthy Mama 
In January, I started this plan and had amazing results. More energy, lost 10 pounds, my skin looked better, everything.  It's not weird and impossible to do. Very sustainable. All in all I really like it.  Although I did get off the past few months, but I'm looking forward to sticking to it with more enthusiasm. I love that it's not a diet. It's really a way of eating that makes you feel great. It just takes being intentional and strategic planning and discipline.

5. Jesus Culture's Let it Echo
I love worship music.  Someone asked me what my favorite genre was the other day.. I said,
"Worship." They looked at me kinda weird, but I like what I love.  And I'm not sorry. This album is all about proclaiming who God is.  It makes me want to shout it out. "You're the God of Miracles!"

6. Elevation Worship's Here As in Heaven
The week this album came out I played the whole thing over 100 times. Benaiah knows every song. This album is all about giving God the highest praise. Being so overwhelmed by his presence and grace as we run to the altar that it makes us completely changed.

7. Running 3x a Week
Have you ever missed running? Probably not. Never thought I would, but I do! I've only been running 3 times a week before Fabian goes into work, we've made it work so I can feel like I'm taking care of myself physically.

8. Writing in my Journals
I struggle with this so much, but I enjoy doing it. I have 3 journals. Lol.  One is for writing about the boys and what happened that day with them. One is for writing out prayers and scripture verses to stick on our bathroom wall. (Not very many right now, but it still counts!) The other is simply a prayer journal where I'll write out prayers, praises, and thoughts to God. Simply, it's my letter to God.

9. Practicing Guitar Again
Our pastor spoke about sitting on talents a few months ago.  The first thing that came to mind was guitar playing. I haven't played in years and started practicing again. It's funny how you forget how much you enjoyed something.

10. Being more Intentional about Hanging out Childless with Friends. 
One of my flaws is not doing this.  I don't take the time to be intentional about hanging out (childless) with friends and then it leaves me feeling so alone. That's what the enemy wants. {h}e wants us feeling isolated and lonely. {h}e wants us to use our pride to not ask our husbands or in my case sister-in-law for help. Well, I'm putting my foot down. No more. I've asked Natalie if she'd help me with this as it's one of my favorite things that I need to do more often!

11. The Book of Proverbs
I threw this in this list because it's my favorite book of the Bible. When I don't know what to read, I go there. It is wisdom for life.

As a mama, it can be difficult to remember to take care of yourself and remember things that you enjoy.  Making sure that I give myself time to do my favorite things makes all the difference for me emotionally and even physically.

What are a few of your favorite things right now?
Favorite book of the Bible?
Favorite podcast?
Favorite song right now that's on repeat?
Let me know!


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