Monday, July 14, 2014

5 Things to Cut From the Budget

Whether I am trying to save money or am struggling financially, cutting non-essentials from my budget can be a great way to give myself some margin within the budget.

1. Eating Out Less
Seriously it costs so much.  Eat at home.  Buy some frozen dinners to stick in the oven for lazy days.  Have "quick" meals on the ready, such as, sandwiches, hot dogs, or frozen pizzas.  Make a large casserole in order to have left overs for quick meals too. Throughout the week, create a detailed grocery list for the next grocery shop trip. Having the detailed grocery list gives me a plan.  It also gives me an excuse NOT to eat out.  Ask friends to come over for dinner or vice versa, instead of going out.

2. Gym Memberships
Now that I have a son, a gym membership with child care is costly.  I can lose weight without a gym.  Plus, I save drive time by working out at home.  Go for a run outside. Don't run?  Go for a walk. Do a workout video. Find a friend and go walk with them.  We do family runs in the early morning.  I do workout videos and take Benaiah on walks in the stroller.  Another tip I have with families for older kids is to play outdoor games in the evening or early morning.

3. Netflix/Hulu
I know, I know. I'm saying the un-thinkable.  These online T.V. show providers are not needed.  Most shows can be found online.  I might have to wait a week or two to see the T.V. show, but I still get to see it.  We must sacrifice now to win later.

4. Cable
I know, I'm a fun-sucker. If there's a football game coming on, ask a friend to join them at their house.  Actually spending life with people is what we should be doing anyway.  If I can't buy food for my family or pay other important bills, but I can pay my $100.00 cable bill, there is a problem.  If cable is affordable for a family and they're not struggling, I say do it.  I love Property Brothers. I can watch that show all day.  However, if my family is trying to reach a financial goal and/or are struggling financially, I am going to cut this non-necessity.  Can't live without Grey's Anatomy or watching the Texans? Get an antenna box for less than $100. That's what we did. Plus, T.V. is a waste of time.  It just is.  There are other ways we could be using our time. (I'm talking to myself here too.)

5. Shopping
Ooh. Those Target trips get me every time.  Make a plan for shopping trips.  If I haven't planned to purchase an item then I don't buy it until next budget.  Most of the time when I want to impulsively purchase something, I don't need it. Give a plan for the money that comes in.  Reckless spending is what gets us to that place of insecurity.  Making a plan and keeping it is what will get us to our goal.

If you say you are broke all of the time, it might be a good idea to cut some non-necessities from the budget. We must make sacrifices now to win later.

Now, that I've sucked all the fun out of your life...

Get creative! There are a ton of ways to have fun without spending a bunch of money!

Now we are off to the beach! <3

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