Friday, June 27, 2014

I NEED New Running Shoes


The shoes I have are fine.

However, I want new shoes. You know, the pretty neon pink ones? The ones that are light-weight and make me look like a "real" runner. Those. I want them SO bad. Plus, I ran 20 minutes straight for the first time in my entire life last week! I deserve them, darn it! I want cute running shoes. NO! I NEED cute running shoes.

Really? Leah, really? Do you really NEED new running shoes?

No, I don't. :-(

The running shoes I have are fine.  They are 3 years old.  There is still tread on the bottom of the shoe. There aren't any holes... yet. They are pinkish. They will last for now.

I have what I NEED. That is what matters.

Contentment is key, especially in the season of debt-killing.

Today, I will choose to be grateful for what I have.

Because truly, I have so much.

P.s.   Eventually, my shoes will bite the dust and I truly will need to get some new ones. For now, I'm going to keep running so I'll get some holes in my shoes. I have my eye on the prize, the pink neon prize.  ;)

Update: My friend lovingly made me aware that I do indeed need new shoes. Ha! My shoes, shown above, have no padding and probably have been the reason I've been getting shin splints.  Though, the point of this post was for me to be content with what I have.  I obviously don't need to spend $100.00 on shoes.  I will not be throwing these away, but use them for DIY projects, painting, and such.

Hoping to find reasonable budgeted running shoes soon! Wish me luck! <3

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