Monday, April 27, 2015

Second Birth Story: Malachi Louis

I love hearing birth stories.  They are all so unique to each individual and still all beautiful.

Malachi Louis Mandujano
Born March 17, 2015
At 4:43 p.m.
8 pounds 6 ounces
20.5 inches long

The day before Malachi was born I was miserable!  I took Benaiah to a playdate at a park with a few other mom friends.  They all could see I felt like, well, poop. All evening I felt like I was having stomach aches, which I now realize were contractions.  (Duh, Leah.)  I told Fabian that I figured it was nothing and if I truly was in labor they would get worse and closer together... And I also had a Doctor appointment at 9 a.m. for my 39 week check up that very next morning, the 17th. 

I woke up and I felt worse.  I felt drained and exhausted and still had stomach cramps.  They weren't worse than yesterday, but still there.  I didn't want to cook breakfast so we went to Chick-Fil-A that morning, which would unknowingly be our last family meal of 3 together.  When I was leaving to go to the doctor's appointment, I jokingly told Fabian, "Hopefully, I won't be back and I'll see you at the hospital." 

I arrived at Dr. Gonzalez's office anxious to be checked to see how I was progressing.  When my doctor arrived in the patient room, she said, "I can't believe you are still pregnant!" Me too, Doc, me too.  I told her I wanted this baby out! 

When she checked my cervix, I was a whopping 5 cm dilated.  She proceeded to tell me that I was not going home because if I did I would possibly be having this baby on the Houston highway.{Yay!!!} In the doctor"s office, the nurse hooked me up to a machine to check my contractions. I was definitely contracting!  I am assuming I didn't notice them earlier because they were SO irregular. 

My doctor told me to go get checked in downstairs in the actual Women's Hospital. I checked in, called my husband, and my mom. 

It was go time! 

My nurse, Diane, was amazing.  She hooked me up and I continued contracting.  It was about 11:30 a.m. and I was contracting 2-7 minutes apart {very irregular} and they weren't entirely strong.  Still very uncomfortable, but not unbearable. My nurse asked if I wanted the epidural and I said, "Yes, please." :) 

Doctor came in and broke my water around 12:30 p.m.  The anesthesiologist came in and gave me my epidural, which again only worked strongly on one side of my body. (Why does this keep happening to me?!)

Fabian came around 1:00 p.m. He was nervous as can be.  I am certain he prefers to be out of the room.  He selflessly stays to keep me company.  

Labor was fairly "easy."   I pushed about 3 times and Malachi came out seamlessly at 4:43 p.m. Labor was a little over 4 hours long. Thankfully it was only a first degree tear.  

Little note:  I was completely nervous about the baby being over 9 pounds.  My doctor assured me that he would not be.. When Malachi came out my doctor exclaimed, "Wow! He's bigger than I thought." I shouted, "I told you!" He was 8 pounds 6 ounces.  Had he stayed in until 40 weeks, he would have been 9 pounds.  Thankfully, he came right at 39 weeks!

I loved this new hospital I was at.  As soon as Malachi came out, the nurses placed him on my chest and not just for a few minutes for a long time.  The first thing I told Chi was "It's okay. Mommy's here."  I love how he recognized my voice. Makes my mommy heart melt.  

There is just something about the second baby.  There is a familiarity to Malachi.  I am not as scared and overwhelmed by the thought of keeping him alive.  I know now how fast this time goes by until he's two and talking up a storm.   He is my son and I am his mommy.  His first love.  As his mommy, it is my privilege to guard and hold his heart.

Thanks for taking the time to read. 


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!

    What a cute little bub he is!

    Your birth story sounds very peaceful. I am glad it turned out well for you both.
