A few weeks ago my husband worked 8 days straight with no off days. Needless to say I was about to lose my ever loving mind. Although I am grateful for his job with great benefits and it allows me to stay home, his schedule can be fairly unpredictable month to month.
By day 6, I was emotionally and physically spent. Malachi is going though a hold-me-all-the-time phase which means nothing gets done. He also never naps. Benaiah is 2. Enough said. Lol While I was nursing Malachi, he got into Destin butt paste twice in two days. Rubbed it all in his hair, arms, and belly. He also used it as art work on the sliding glass door. If you know anything about Destin paste, it DOES NOT COME OFF. I spent days with him screaming while I scrubbed him and lathered him in baby oil trying to get it off. He is testing the limits in every way, which is good, yet also hard as a parent. I'm trying to raise good children to become good adults.
I yelled at him more than I should have.
I lost my temper more easily than I should have.
I was inattentive more than I should have.
I disciplined in anger instead of grace.
Those lies start to creep up that tell you that you are not a good mom.
You don't love your children enough.
They are going to turn away and run from you when they're older.
I was broken this week.
At church on Sunday, the altar was open. I laid down my pride and I went. My pastor prayed words of life and encouragement while I wept in her arms. She declared truths over me. That I am a good mom. That I speak life into my home. That I would allow the Holy Spirit to wrap me up and guide me on.
The enemy has no power in my home. The power of Jesus Christ and His truths do. I am the daughter of the One True King. That will never be taken from me.
His grace is sufficient for us, mama. His power is made perfect in weakness.
When we allow the Holy Spirit to come in and invade our weaknesses, he starts changing things in us that we could have never changed ourselves. That is why, my friend, He can take all the credit, glory, and honor.
So today, for you, I speak life. I pray that the Holy Spirit would wrap you up. That grace would be extended and that you can dwell in the place of shelter and love.
Dear sweet Benaiah and Malachi, the only thing that's different in me is the Holy Spirit working because I surrendered and allowed Him to.
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